I’m a Nonprofit Board Member – Now What? If you’re on the board or in a decision-making role, you are a Fiduciary. Fiduciary excellence leads to trust. Trust leads to enhanced donor confidence and board engagement, which leads to increased donations, financial...

Nonprofit Facts of Life: Mutual Funds
Nonprofit Facts of Life that Nobody Told Me . . . There’s a lot you need to know when you’re a Nonprofit Leader – a lot that may not have occurred to you when you agreed to follow your passion and make an impact with your favorite Nonprofit! There are both Fun Facts...
Nonprofit Word of the Day: Fiduciary Quality Management System (FQMS)
I’m a Nonprofit Board Member – What’s up with all this jargon? Communication can be a funny thing – each group has its own special terminology and shorthand that can prove frustrating until you “speak the language.” Our Language of Nonprofit Fiduciaries© is a...