About Us
Many nonprofit, retirement plan, government and tribal nation leaders don’t
realize that they have legal fiduciary responsibilities – and fewer still are truly aware of the full scope of those responsibilities.
Most have never been shown how and what it takes to be a fiduciary.

Are you responsible for management or oversight of the money or assets of the organization?

Are you a leader, board trustee, director, or decision-maker, or on the Investment Committee?

Are you an executive or employee with a role in the management or oversight of the organization’s money or assets?
The 2015 Survey of Nonprofit Organization Boards of Directors
by the Stanford Graduate Business School found that:
Only 47%
of nonprofit directors believe their fellow board members understand their obligations
...and 69%
of nonprofit directors say their organization has faced one or more serious governance-related problems in the past 10 years.
Your nonprofit’s reputation could be at risk and increase your personal and institutional liability. You can enhance your nonprofit’s reputation and its value to donors and beneficiaries while mitigating your personal and institutional liability by implementing a prudent decision-making framework for effective stewardship of donors’ gifts.
If you’re a leader or on the board or investment committee of a nonprofit, foundation, endowment, retirement plan, government entity, or tribal nation, you are likely an investment fiduciary – whether you realize it or not. But don’t let that keep you from leading your organization – allow us to put our experience and specialized expertise to work for your organization.
When an institution’s leaders don’t understand and fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities, they place the institution and themselves at risk. There is personal and institutional liability -- and the institution’s reputation and mission are placed in jeopardy.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Fiduciary training helps you enhance reputation and value to donors, beneficiaries, constituents or members, and lower your personal and institutional risk, by learning what you need to know and how to meet these responsibilities
We can help with Language of Fiduciaries©, Fiduciary Training, Service Provider RFP Services, Gap Analysis, Consulting, and CEFEX certification.
Kathleen M. McBride
Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst – AIFA® Designee
Fiduciary Education Trainer
CEFEX Analyst
Fiduciary Consultant
Allan Henriques
Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst – AIFA® Designee
Fiduciary Education Trainer
CEFEX Analyst
Fiduciary Consultant
Industry Accolades:
The Nonprofit Fiduciary
Our exclusive blog featuring latest news and resources including; prudent practices, industry news, case studies and more.
Where are the Lay Fiduciaries Who Have Control and Responsibility for More Than $26 Trillion of US Investment Assets?
Allan Henriques, Kathleen McBride, David J. Bromelkamp, Trevor Merrill, and Tony A. Michael Finding the Elusive Lay Fiduciary No one knows exactly how many Lay Fiduciaries exist, even though they’re legally responsible for prudently managing trillions of...
Did You Know That There’s More Than One Type of Fiduciary?
For Nonprofits, there are three. By Kathleen McBride, AIF™, AIFA®, CEFEX Analyst® Now that we’ve surprised some nonprofit leaders who may not have realized that they are Lay Fiduciaries™[1], (please see “Are you a Fiduciary?”) let’s talk about other types of...
Does Your Nonprofit Board Membership Mean You Are a Fiduciary?
The answer may surprise you. By Kathleen McBride, AIF™, AIFA®, CEFEX Analyst® We get a lot of questions about who is or isn’t a Lay Fiduciary™. A Lay Fiduciary, in the nonprofit sense, is someone who is not an investment professional, but is a decision-maker...