Kathleen M. McBride
AIFA® Designee, Fiduciary Education Trainer, CEFEX Analyst, Fiduciary Consultant
Kate McBride is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst®, and a CEFEX Analyst, with more than 40 years of investment industry experience. She is the Founder and President of FiduciaryPath.
She works with trustees, board members, and leaders of nonprofits, retirement plans, apprenticeship trusts, tribal nations, and government treasury / comptroller / pension departments, as well as registered investment advisory firms to train, assess, improve, and certify their investment fiduciary processes. McBride and the FP team provide Fiduciary Essentials® Training, Fiduciary Gap Analysis, Fiduciary Consulting and CEFEX certification audits. She performed the audit for peer-reviewed CEFEX certification of the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians.
McBride is a Founding Member and formerly served as Chair of The Committee for the Fiduciary Standard and meets regularly with policymakers. She holds B.A. from New York University and completed the Investment Strategies and Portfolio Management program at The Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania. She holds the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) and Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst® (AIFA®) designations from the Center for Fiduciary Studies, and is a CEFEX Analyst with the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence – CEFEX.
Industry Accolades:
The Nonprofit Fiduciary
Our exclusive blog featuring latest news and resources including; prudent practices, industry news, case studies and more.
Where are the Lay Fiduciaries Who Have Control and Responsibility for More Than $26 Trillion of US Investment Assets?
Allan Henriques, Kathleen McBride, David J. Bromelkamp, Trevor Merrill, and Tony A. Michael Finding the Elusive Lay Fiduciary No one knows exactly how many Lay Fiduciaries exist, even though they’re legally responsible for prudently managing trillions of...
Did You Know That There’s More Than One Type of Fiduciary?
For Nonprofits, there are three. By Kathleen McBride, AIF™, AIFA®, CEFEX Analyst® Now that we’ve surprised some nonprofit leaders who may not have realized that they are Lay Fiduciaries™[1], (please see “Are you a Fiduciary?”) let’s talk about other types of...
Does Your Nonprofit Board Membership Mean You Are a Fiduciary?
The answer may surprise you. By Kathleen McBride, AIF™, AIFA®, CEFEX Analyst® We get a lot of questions about who is or isn’t a Lay Fiduciary™. A Lay Fiduciary, in the nonprofit sense, is someone who is not an investment professional, but is a decision-maker...