Prudent Experts - Selection & Monitoring
You don’t have to know everything about investing, but you do have understand your responsibilities and how to choose prudent experts – professional fiduciaries – to help you.
FiduciaryPath can equip you to select and monitor prudent experts and other Service Providers to help you manage your fiduciary responsibilities. When fiduciary service providers are selected through a prudent process and regularly monitored, they may shoulder some of the board/trustee fiduciary burden.
Prudent Expert Selection
FiduciaryPath consults with trustees/boards and leadership on selection of prudent experts. We run a prudent selection process to help you select prudent experts that can assist you in managing the assets. We work with leadership to:
- Develop appropriate due diligence criteria for selecting fiduciary investment advisors and other service providers.
- Run a Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Proposals (RFP).
- Evaluate firms that respond.
- Assist in your documented selection process.
- Recommend what to include in your organization’s investment policy and service provider agreements that will help you increase value from your service providers.
Monitoring Service Providers
FiduciaryPath consults with trustees/boards and leadership on periodic service provider monitoring. We set up appropriate processes that you can adopt and follow, or we can provide ongoing monitoring services.
Industry Accolades:
The Nonprofit Fiduciary
Our exclusive blog featuring latest news and resources including; prudent practices, industry news, case studies and more.
Where are the Lay Fiduciaries Who Have Control and Responsibility for More Than $26 Trillion of US Investment Assets?
Allan Henriques, Kathleen McBride, David J. Bromelkamp, Trevor Merrill, and Tony A. Michael Finding the Elusive Lay Fiduciary No one knows exactly how many Lay Fiduciaries exist, even though they’re legally responsible for prudently managing trillions of...
Did You Know That There’s More Than One Type of Fiduciary?
For Nonprofits, there are three. By Kathleen McBride, AIF™, AIFA®, CEFEX Analyst® Now that we’ve surprised some nonprofit leaders who may not have realized that they are Lay Fiduciaries™[1], (please see “Are you a Fiduciary?”) let’s talk about other types of...
Does Your Nonprofit Board Membership Mean You Are a Fiduciary?
The answer may surprise you. By Kathleen McBride, AIF™, AIFA®, CEFEX Analyst® We get a lot of questions about who is or isn’t a Lay Fiduciary™. A Lay Fiduciary, in the nonprofit sense, is someone who is not an investment professional, but is a decision-maker...